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  • At 4 PM on August 10, 2019, Ina and David Steiner received an unexpected package

Do you know?

What was in the package?

  • Bloody pig mask
  • Box of spiders
  • Horse head
  • A swollen pinky toe

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  • Inside was a bloody pig mask

  • Moments later, they received a Twitter message: “DO I HAVE UR ATTENTION NOW????”

  • When eBay launched 24 years prior, the Steiners were fascinated by the website and its potential to revolutionize the resale industry, in which they actively participated

  • In 1999, they launched a website to provide advice to resellers and track trends among resale companies

  • EcommerceBytes became necessary reading among professional resellers

  • By 2019, it counted hundreds of thousands of readers and had caught eBay’s attention

  • That January, Elliott Management, an aggressive hedge fund, took a large stake in eBay, which had been struggling and ceding ground to Amazon

  • Elliot demanded it make changes to become more profitable, putting pressure on its executives

  • In that environment, the Steiners reported critically on eBay

  • One April 2019 article revealed that the company’s CEO was being paid 152 times more than the average eBay employee

  • eBay’s CEO forwarded that story to the company’s chief communications officer (CCO), who wrote that eBay was "going to crush this lady."

  • “Take her down,” the CEO wrote soon after

  • The CCO later texted eBay’s security director that Ms. Steiner “needs to be BURNED DOWN"

  • Do “whatever it takes,” he said soon after

  • The final straw was a story Ms. Steiner wrote about a lawsuit in which eBay accused Amazon of poaching its sellers

  • eBay’s CEO wrote, “If you are ever going to take her down…now is the time”

  • On August 7, an eBay employee began messaging Ms. Steiner with a fake Twitter account

  • With a skull profile picture, she wrote increasingly angry emails until finally writing, “I guess im goin to have to get ur attention another way bitch…”

  • Three days later, the pig mask arrived

  • “DO I HAVE UR ATTENTION NOW????” a follow-up Twitter message asked

  • Threatening boxes continued to arrive

  • They contained fly larvae, cockroaches, and live spiders; another had a book about “Surviving the Loss of a Spouse”

  • Ads on Craigslist announced swingers parties and estate sales at the Steiners’ home, while the Steiners continued to receive unsolicited food deliveries for which they had to pay

  • The Steiners’ neighbors received a porn magazine addressed to Mr. Steiner

  • The threats soon turned into stalking when two eBay employees flew to Massachusetts

  • They went to the Steiners’ home to install a GPS tracking device on their vehicle, although that attempt failed. They separately bought a crowbar with the apparent intent of breaking into the Steiners’ home

  • They tailed the Steiners’ cars and repeatedly drove past their home

  • The Steiners notified the police, who placed an undercover car outside their home

  • One day, the officer spotted a strange vehicle driving past

  • The police traced the car to an eBay employee and then found that some pizzas had been bought with a credit card registered near eBay’s headquarters

  • When it became clear the police were onto them, the eBay pair fled back to California where the company attempted a cover-up

  • Within a month, eBay’s lawyers had suspended some staff and the CEO had resigned, although without mentioning the incident and taking a $57M exit package

  • The company’s CCO subsequently became the chief executive of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley, which said it was “aware” of the scandal but considered him “a leader with integrity”

  • In summer 2020, the US Justice Department brought stalking and other charges against seven former eBay staff

  • eBay’s Senior Director of Safety & Security received a 57-month prison sentence; the Director of Global Resiliency received a 24-month sentence; and five others pleaded guilty and received lesser sentences

  • Neither the CEO nor CCO faced charges

  • This month, the Justice Department fined eBay $3M over the scandal

  • The prosecutor said that “eBay engaged in absolutely horrific, criminal conduct”

  • “The company’s employees and contractors involved in this campaign put the victims through pure hell, in a petrifying campaign aimed at silencing their reporting and protecting the eBay brand”

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