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Cloned Monkey

Cloned Monkey

  • Chinese researchers announced that a cloned rhesus monkey has survived to adulthood

  • Cloning is the process of producing genetically identical organisms

  • It was first achieved in mammals in 1996 when Dolly the Sheep – cloned from the adult cell of another sheep – was born

  • In 2018, a team of Chinese researchers became the first to successfully clone primates when two cloned long-tailed macaques – a monkey species – survived birth

  • Those researchers have since attempted to clone the rhesus monkey, another primate species, which due to their genetic similarities to humans are valued for their use in animal testing

  • Despite advances in cloning technology, the process remains expensive, inefficient, and often unsuccessful

  • When the Chinese researchers successfully cloned the macaques in 2018, only two of the initial 109 embryos survived to birth

  • In 2022, researchers successfully cloned a rhesus monkey, but it only survived for 12 hours

  • The same team that cloned the macaques has since attempted to clone rhesus monkeys that could survive to adulthood

  • They determined that defects in the placenta, which provides nutrients and oxygen to fetuses, contributed to the high failure rate of cloned fetuses

  • To address that, researchers tweaked their cloning method to wrap the cloned embryo in a non-cloned outer membrane which could turn into a placenta that could carry a fetus to birth

  • Using that method, the Chinese researchers created 113 cloned rhesus fetuses, 11 of which were implanted into surrogate mothers

  • That resulted in two pregnancies, one of which led to a live birth

  • Per a study published in Nature Communications, that rhesus monkey is now over two years old


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